Tuesday 12 April 2011

Peulla to Puerto Varas - Finishing the Andes & Lakes Crossing

Rio Negro, perfect mirror-image lake near Peulla
After me being very adventurous and canopy-gliding through the forest - insert Tarzan joke here - (and it was great fun and I think handily looked more daring and scary than it actually was) on our last morning in Peulla, we boated off towards Puerto Varas. This crossing should have been stunning as we passed over the Andes and several volcanoes; unfortunately it was completely cloudy and we saw absolutely nothing! The ups and downs of travel...
Mt Osorno from the town of Frutilla
...However this view made up for it once we arrived in Puerto Varas! Mount Osorno is just one of the volcanoes easily visible from the town, and is spectacular. The town of Puerto Varas is cute and has a DELICIOUS restaurant, Las Buenas Brasas, that was so good we ate there for both lunch and dinner on the same day. Centolla is King Crab and there is so fresh and scrumptious if you're like me, you'll dream about it for a long time to come!

We also did a 1/2 day trip to Frutilla which is a little town not far from Puerto Varas. It has a very strong German heritage and in effect is a little German village; just to confuse our language efforts even more we had to try ordering Kuchen in Spanish.

If you would like any more information on travelling this route, feel free to email me! info@travelapasionado.com.au and for more pictures, Travel Apasionado has a Facebook page

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