Friday 1 April 2011

Bodega* Fin Del Mundo; the End of the World is delicious (and great value!)

A very generous glass of Reserva Malbec, Argentine bife, papas al horno, pimientos dulces, Reserva Viognier , queso de cabra (goats cheese) with figs & honey and $15 AUD for the whole thing....and it was half gone before we thought to take this picture!

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*'Bodega' = winery 

The Winery at the End of the World
Meandering around Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires, one day in between appointments with hotels (I don't recommend hotels I haven't seen), stumbled we did not upon Experienca Bodega Fin del Mundo. Why not? Because the building is huge and modern and a destination in its own right and it would no doubt take offence at anybody saying they had stumbled upon it.
Bodega Fin del Mundo was established in 1999, is located in the Neuquen Provence, Patagonia (Argentina) and produces wines from some of the southernmost vineyards in the world. Patagonia was considered to be unsuitable for wine production until the doubters were proved categorically wrong as over the years following 2003 Bodega Fin del Mundo scooped a number of gold, silver & bronze medals at international wine awards around the world. ( The awards are listed here if you'd like to know exactly what they've won)

However, it is their gourmet, no-expense-spared venture 'Experienca Del Fin Del Mundo' in Palermo Hollywood, Buenos Aires that so impressed us (and Neuquen, Patagonia is really cold and a bit hard to get to). As noted, it's impossible to miss and is absolutely worth popping in to for a copa de vino and to rest those weary legs. Plus, now you can say it's educational...
Technology plus!
Buzz if you'd like the bill
or better still...another glass
The impressive, dark-wood-and-stone space is a restaurant, open for lunch, afternoon tapas snacks, and dinner. It also caters for functions, runs wine tastings, wine educational sessions and special events with renowned chefs and wine personalities from around the world.

As an afternoon, 'how can we not go in' visit, we were not looking for a main meal however were, as one would expect, open to trying some new wines! There is a full list of the bodega's wines, including wine-making, taste, and blend descriptions with a number of wines offered both by the glass or by the bottle. A great way to try the wines is with their 'Tapas y Vinos' menu, which offers a small dish matched to a specific wine. Malbec with Argentinian beef and Viognier with goats cheese both matched perfectly and it was a treat to eat local foods with the delicious wines.

When the waiter came by to top up our glasses a faint look of panic appeared on my face; maybe it wasn't 2 glasses my fabulous Spanglish had ordered but 2 bottles?! Nope - they just come around and top up your glass so it's not un-artistically full the first time. Sigh. Problemo? Just press the buzzer on your table for the waiter, the bill, or cancel the call if pressed accidentally.
And now for the piece de la resistance - all of the above came to a crushing total of AUD $15.
Margaret River, you have slipped a looong way down my list.

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