Thursday 7 April 2011

Cruce de Lagos; the Lakes Crossing, Patagonian Argentina to Chile via Peulla (Part one)

I'm limited in the photos post-able on this blog; there are some great ones that really give you a feel for the land & journey if you look at the Travel Apasionado Cruce Lagos facebook album
If you'd like more information on Cruce Lagos, the Lakes Crossing, feel free to email me at 

Lovely (haughty!) llamas, Peulla
Seagulls swooping down for a snack, Nahuel Huapi
Breathless! Crossing from Argentina (Patagonia) to Chile has been the most fantastic experience. We didn't really know what to expect (booking was a little hairy; all in Spanish and limited correspondence) and were amazed to find a remote little treasure in the middle of the Patagonian Andes. It's been quite a mission and every step of the way not only worth it, but a gift for the eyes.  The story begins in Bariloche...

...We were picked up from our hotel in Bariloche and driven to Puerto Panuela, Llao Llao Peninsula, where we caught the first boat on the lake Nahuel Huapi. Our guide Leonardo was very helpful and really set the tone for the rest of our journey; he was able to help my mother Ann identify all sorts of plants and even to give their botanical names, impressing her which is no mean feat! This boat section is hour and a half, the highlight being when seagulls swooped down to grab biscuits out of our hands in the *very* fresh air; this led to a) some great photos and b) an attack of hunger for us as well, after all that fresh air. Somehow the carne (meat) empanadas on the boat that looked so ordinary, tasted so delicious! As did the chocolate caliente, hot chocolate. It doesn't take mountain air long  to work!
Lago Frias

We arrived to Puerto Blest, on the Rio Frias, then bussed to the Lago Frias, a lake coloured by the minerals coming from a glacier and so fine that they sit on the top layers of the water, giving it an unusual milky-blue colour. Surrounded by mountains all around, it was spectacular. And looked like it lived up to it's name; cold. This lake was very quick but also very pretty to cross; it took us to the Argentinian border control who stamped us out of Argentina, although we weren't quite in Chile yet...stateless, I now take my leave. Internet connection is very slow so I will complete the Lake Crossing story tomorrow!
'ta luego....
*Postscript: Next part of the Lakes Crossing here

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